Williams Model Matrix for Gifted Students

The following presents two sets of activities to engender responses to the text The Web 2027 with respect to the concepts of “Connectivity” and “Virtual Reality”. Gifted students specifically benefit from study that focuses on concepts and relations between concepts, and enables engagement with content through differentiated learning activities (eg. Paradox, Attribute Listing etc…). Although students might choose for themselves which activities they pursue, Lannie Kanevsky has developed an excellent diagnostic tool that allows students and/or mentors to identify which differentiated learning activities most suit the individual student. For a word document version of much better presentation and formatting than what is shown here email me at [email protected].

Williams Model Matrix
Connectivity – The Web 2027

Paradox How can the web bring people together when the distances between communities are greater than ever?

Attribute Listing What are the innovations presented in The Web 2027 that improve our abilities to communicate and share messages/information?

Analogy How is the internet like a spider’s web? How is the communicating on the network like living in a global village?

Discrepancy Is the virtual reality of the web/internet free of real limits, or do some users enjoy a worldly advantage? Specifically, are there nations or social classes that are denied freedom?

Provocative Question Is networking and social networking too dangerous for teenagers to be enacted?

Examples of Change Create a time-line for connectivity that identifies our progress from spoken language between tribe members through to modern communications in a global village, specifically identifying the inventions that have marked our ability to share messages through history.

Examples of Habit How have traditional ways of co-operating and participating changed in The Web 2027? How have friendships, learning, work, play and parenting changed?

Organised Random Search Make a facts chart and/or web bibliography to present results for: What is the history of the internet?

Skills of Search Without using the internet, discover through five different mediums a position on the value of the internet, then present your findings (note: you are not to discover five sources using the same medium, nor exercise five mediums to detail the position of a single source). Identify the different means/medium you exercised to discover each of your five described positions.

Tolerance for Ambiguity Is it necessary to live in the real world in order to really be alive? OR How would react if you discovered the avatar of an on-line friend was dramatically different to the person it represented? Would your friendship change?

Intuitive Expression Imagine you are entering the virtual reality of The Web 2027 for the first time. Describe your first foray into “the zone”.

Adjustment to Development How would you explain the world of The Web 2027 to Rene Descartes?

Study Creative Development Each of the stories in The Web 2027 presents a danger posed by “The Sorceress”. What are the different types of threat to the lives of characters that she poses?

Evaluate Situations Create a plus-minus-ideas table to compare and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of one of the following:
Is communicating in the web better than communicating in the real world?

Creative Reading Skills Write a poem/ballad to summarize the on-line adventures of the characters in the different stories of The Web 2027.

Creative Writing Skills Write the synopsis given to each of the writers to commence their efforts in producing their short stories. Describe your brief the details of the idea for the context and complication upon which the book of The Web 2027 is based.

Visualisation Create a map of web-town.

Williams Model Matrix
Virtual Reality – The Web 2027

Paradox Theorists believe that one day we will be able to “download our consciousness”, thus achieving a state of immortality outside the body. How can one “live” after the body has died?

Attribute Listing What are the kinds of activities in which netizens can participate, as described in The Web 2027?

Analogy How is an avatar like a second life?

Discrepancy Is a person’s avatar a clearer presentation of their true character and self-image than their physical form?

Provocative Question Should we be surfing virtual reality when the real world is the world of our past and present?

Examples of Change Create a time-line for connectivity that identifies our progress from spoken language between tribe members through to modern communications in a global village, specifically identifying the inventions that have marked our ability to share messages through history.

Examples of Habit How have traditional ways of co-operating and participating changed in The Web 2027? How have friendships, learning, work, play and parenting changed?

Organised Random Search Make a facts chart and/or web bibliography to present results for: What is the history of virtual reality?

Skills of Search Without using the internet, discover through five different mediums a position on the value of the internet, then present your findings (note: you are not to discover five sources using the same medium, nor exercise five mediums to detail the position of a single source). Identify the different means/medium you exercised to discover each of your five described positions.

Tolerance for Ambiguity How would react if you discovered the avatar of an on-line friend was dramatically different to the person it represented? Would your friendship change?

Intuitive Expression Design your on-line avatar.

Adjustment to Development What mistakes might users make in their assumptions about avatars in The Web 2027?

Study Creative Development Each of the stories in The Web 2027 presents a danger posed by “The Sorceress”. What are the different types of threat to the lives of characters that she poses?

Evaluate Situations Create a plus-minus-ideas table to compare and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the following:
Is living in the web better than living in the real world?

Creative Reading Skills Write a poem/ballad to summarize the on-line adventures of the characters in the different stories of The Web 2027.

Creative Writing Skills Write the synopsis given to each of the writers to commence their efforts in producing their short stories. Describe your brief the details of the idea for the context and complication upon which the book of The Web 2027 is based.

Visualisation Create a collage of avatars for different members of your family. (Be very nice!)

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