Poetry: Preliminary test and course description

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Literary techniques test
Name: ______________________
1. In your own words define the poetic/literary techniques of:
Rhyme: _______________________________________________________
Rhythm: _______________________________________________________
Simile: _______________________________________________________
Metaphor: _______________________________________________________
Personification: __________________________________________________
Assonance: _______________________________________________________
Alliteration: ______________________________________________________
Symbolism: ______________________________________________________
Onomatopoeia: ___________________________________________________
Imagery: _______________________________________________________
(10 X ½ = /5 marks)

2. Annotate the following verse to identify four uses of literary/poetic technique:
On the hellish night of Halloween
A grubby, ghastly ghoul did grab me – “Boo!!!”
I thought that I was sure to die.
“Bleeeeeeeeeeagubleehoohaah!!!” said I.
(4 X ½ = /2 marks)

3. Annotate the following verse to identify four uses of literary/poetic technique:
The sun smiled down with rays of pure joy,
Butterflies danced gracefully amongst
A chorus of courteous daffodils
The painting was truly as alive as a summer memory.
(4 X ½ = /2 marks)

4. Create a short poem using poetic techniques to describe and/or illustrate a creature, a person or a theme.
(2 + 2 + 2 = /6 marks)
(ie. use of word-sound techniques = /2 + use of word-picture techniques = /2 + successful focus and expression of concept = /2)

Subsequent to the results of this preliminary test students might engage in a unit of study of poetry, with a focus on reading comprehension and analysis as well as activities for concept mapping and figurative description, to the advancement of poetic writing. Exercises in poetic skill include:

• transforming literal descriptions into figurative descriptions

• identifying symbolic aspects of literal concepts, objects, descriptions or characters

• interpreting, planning for and composing haiku riddles

• interpreting figurative idioms and proverbs

• planning for and forming figurative comparisons

Other resources studied and analysed in the unit may include poems such as:

• Cats by T.S.Elliot

• “Ozymandias” by Percy Shelley

• “The Burning Babe” by Robert Southwell

• “The Spring” by Thomas Carew

• “The Change” by Abraham Cawley

• “The Tyger” by William Blake

• “Train Journey” by Laurence Collinson

• “Flame, the Cat” by William Hart-Smith

• “A Windy Day” by Andrew Young

• “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll

and poems written and evaluated by both mentor and student.

The advancement of poetic skill and description is tested again later in the unit, and the student is able to evaluate their own achievements and progress against a record of activity and criteria for assessment of skills.

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