In my experience with students, private tuition works! Students learn to achieve better results, greater imagination and more enjoyment from their studies in tuition sessions. For some students such improvements are hard to achieve at school. In these cases focused, sustained attention is needed to challenge or enable students to achieve their potential. In other cases students seek a deeper, greater, or simply a more personal understanding of subjects and study. Private tuition provides courses and sessions that are intense and individual. Private tuition is not a substitute for any form or function of learning, but is merely a different vehicle and opportunity for education.
It is obvious that there are a number of influences acting on any student. Teachers, peers, and most importantly parents play vital roles as catalysts for learning, development and success. Private tutors are part of this milieu.
I am personally in a strong position to assist students to benefit from private tuition, because I enjoy a powerful interest in individual learning abilities and skills. Throughout my teaching career I’ve developed and used differentiated courses in the classroom both horizontally and vertically, I’ve enacted programs of mastery learning that demonstrate to students the value of self and peer evaluation, and I’ve realised the pedagogies and principles that I’m now furthering with studies at the Gifted Education Research Resource and Information Centre.